What a wonderful experience on today’s field trip. We are so thankful that we were able to spend a beautiful fall day outdoors at Camp Lincoln.  Because of this day, we learned a lot about one another, supported each other, and had fun together.  We did some writing, went on a nature walk, and participated in several community builders.  We even worked our hardest to be able to climb as high as we could up a climbing wall.  A very special day!


WELCOME 3C, to Your 2019- 2020 Third Grade Year!

Hello friends and families.  We had a busy first day of third grade today.  Here are some pictures of our friends as we had some fun and worked hard to begin our transition back to school.

I sent home a quick newsletter inside your child’s Communication Folder today.  This is to help you get a list of some of the activities we did today. Hopefully it will provide some topics to help engage your child in a conversation about the first day of third grade.  I’ll attach that letter into the blog.

first day of third grade news 2019.psf

Our Last Two Days of Third Grade

On Thursday, we painted posters with words and pictures of the important things about third grade.  We worked with partners and spread our creativity.

The photos that were sent home of your child from the first week of school and the last week were splattered with adjectives written by your child’s classmates.  Here are some pictures of 3C going around the room sharing kind words.

Summer Readings

I hope that everyone reads for at least 25 minutes each day this summer.  I sent everyone home with the next book in the series that they began for book clubs this past term.  Hopefully, that will be a good way to begin reading!

If your child wants to read shorter stories and/ or articles, then I have made a list of these through the website:  In order to access these articles, they will need to use a computer or iPad to gain access to the internet.  Then they can go to  Here is that link:

Once there, they will need to click on the student log-in and follow the directions below.

1. Students enter class code 5JNGPG

2. Tell your students that their default password is 1234

They have different readings that they can choose from. I hope you find this helpful.

Math Practice Over the Summer

This is a link to the website called Math Learning Center. It is published by Bridges which is the math program that we are using at North Hampton School. There is a family tab that you can click on in order to find helpful resources.

If you click on the above, then it should lead you right to the website.  If you click on RESOURCES you will find a list of math apps.  These can be used for free on a desktop, laptop, or an iPad.  There are instructions for how to access them.

I hope you find the website helpful! As I find more, I will add them.